Future Academies

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Ethos and Values

We are a trust that has the highest aspirations for all our students. To this end, we have a curriculum that is rich in academic rigour.

We always seek to employ staff who are experts in their subjects and who inspire their pupils through a deep understanding of and passion for their subject. We have the highest aspirations for our students regardless of their starting points.

We believe all children should have access to the best things that have been known and thought.

  • Knowledge is powerful and empowering: it allows us to change the life chances of our pupils.
  • Teachers are an authority in their subject, and their effectiveness depends on the knowledge they have of their subject and their passion for it.
  • We inspire our students through knowledge and foster a spirit of scholarship.
  • Praise is proportionate. We nurture a climate of resilience and perseverance in which academic success is always celebrated.
  • Staff and students are knowledgeable and articulate whilst demonstrating good manners and poise. Students are encouraged to write and to speak with confidence while demonstrating a depth of knowledge.
  • Our schools are characterised by a collegiate atmosphere where both students and teachers share high-quality resources to achieve the highest rates of progress and attainment.
  • Healthy competition and team spirit are encouraged, both inside and outside the classroom, so that students both compete and collaborate to be successful.

Our schools provide opportunities for students to widen their horizons through enriching experiences aimed at exposing students to successful people from various professions. We offer pupils extensive support with their applications to top universities and the most suitable routes to employment for them.

Our schools are child-centred organisations that work together to implement a knowledge-rich curriculum that transforms children’s lives and overcomes any barriers they face.

More on our ethos and values

More on our ethos and values